Low Back Pain

March 2, 2008

Dear Dr. Barone,

I am 75 years old and have been suffering from lower back pain on my left side. I’m not sure how or when the pain started but I have suffered for several years and it has become worse over the last five to six years. The pain has interfered with normal daily activities such as anything that required bending at the waist, even slightly. The pain would be so bad that I would have to stop what I was doing and sit down and rest. This made me avoid any activity that would result in back pain. It had an adverse effect on every aspect of my life.

Before I came to Barone Spinal Care I did try another chiropractor. When I heard about Barone Spinal Care & the very interesting technique you use, I had to see for myself what this treatment was all about.

My experience has been excellent! I could not expect to be treated any better. I thought the exams were very thorough, not what I expected based on past treatments by a previous chiropractor. The correction was a medium pressure on the side of my upper neck. Immediately after the first treatment I felt lighter. After three to four weeks I noticed a reduction in pain and the effect continues over time.

– William B.

Dear Barone Spinal Care;

For two years I have been suffering with lower back pain (arthritis of the spine). Playing golf and tennis was not an option because of these complications.

I’ve spent years believing chiropractic wouldn’t help me & was fearful of trying it. But I met two of the Barone Spinal Care team, and after hearing how they explained the gentleness of Upper Cervical Chiropractic, I decided to get an appointment scheduled.

Fortunately after my first treatment my back felt great! I’m hoping my body continues to heal as I go for future visits at Barone Spinal Care.

Barone Spinal Care has been an excellent experience for me. Their professional demeanor is top notch. The necessary exams were like a walk through the park, I’ve had no pain at all with my adjustments, and I’m looking forward to a bright and happy future, golf and tennis included. My fear of chiropractic has been completely erased.

God Bless and thank you to all of you, – Paul M.


Dear Barone Spinal Care,

I’m 46 & have suffered from lower back pain since I was about 13. In the last 14 years the pain has become chronic. I have been hospitalized with 2 herniated discs & was diagnosed with Sciatica. A friend & co-worker who is also under the care of Barone Spinal Care convinced me to come in. From the time I walked into the office I was treated as if I was a valued member of a family. So before anything was done I was more than half convinced to see what they could do for me. At this point in time along with the chronic back pain I was suffering from severe migraines, acid reflux, fatigue & pain in my neck, shoulders & upper arms.

After my initial evaluation I spoke with Dr. Barone who went over my proposed treatment plan & the changes that could possible occur. I had my first adjustment 5 weeks ago. Since that time I have not had any migraines. My acid reflux has decreased greatly. I have gone from taking medication 3 times a day for pain maintenance to 2 or 3 times a week. I have not had any problems with shooting pains in my legs from the sciatica. My blood pressure has been more stable & I find I have more energy. The pain in my neck, shoulders & upper arms has decreased.

It’s amazing how exciting it can be to just be able to bend over to tie your shoes without being in pain. It’s a feeling I didn’t think I would ever be able to experience again. And to think all of this has occurred in just over a month!

 -LaVerne K.

February 12, 2007

Dear Dr. Barone and patients,

I have been suffering with low back pain and severe sciatic nerve pain for at least 10 years. I tried a traditional chiropractor about 10 years ago, who adjusted me by “cracking” my spine and even thought it seemed to help for a while, I got so scared from the “cracking” and I would tense up so badly that the doctor would tell me to relax, as he couldn’t adjust me because I got so rigid.

I “lived” on painkillers and arthritis drugs. I had an MRI, spinal X-rays, shoe orthotics, but the pain continued. Being over-weight didn’t help either. I was seriously considering surgery because I couldn’t stand living with this continual pain any longer.

Then one Saturday about 9 months ago, I heard Dr. Barone’s radio show on WYLL AM 1160. I was intrigued by this NUCCA treatment. It also sounded too good to be true, but I decided to call and make an appointment.

After the very first treatment I knew something had happened because I felt a little lighter in a very nice way. I absolutely could not believe my sciatic nerve pain was practically gone and certainly bearable even with it bothered me occasionally.

I might mention that even though my back problems brought me to Barone Spinal Care, my entire body feels better – less achy and stiff. I have now decided that when my self-imposed year “trial” is over, I will continue coming here and look forward to getting older without so much pain.

I truly don’t believe there is anyone who was more skeptical about this simple treatment than I was, but desperation brought me to Barone Spinal Care. I am no longer a skeptic!I only know it has worked for me and I wanted to tell anyone who is “on the fence” whether to try NUCCA or not to give it a try. I hope it works as well for whatever problem you come where with as it has for me.

Cordially, – Kathy C.

Dear Dr. Barone and Staff,

I have been suffering from severe low back pain for the last 5years. I used to play football and the rough play did its toll on my body. I had a devastating knee injury causing one leg to be stronger than the other. This contributed to my body being off balance and back pain. I was unable to stand for long periods of time and to bend down and tie my shoe seemed impossible at age 24. I had never sought treatment for this pain until my dad and brother came to your office. As my brother’s pain began to go away I knew that I needed to come in for a consult.

From the first correction I felt even and straighter. Over the next 6 weeks I have had less low back pain, less headaches, less neck pain, I am walking straighter and my TMJ pain is gone. Thank you Barone Spinal care for being accurate with my care but also welcoming me into the office and making me feel comfortable.

Frank B.

March 2, 2008

Dear Dr. Barone,

I am 75 years old and have been suffering from lower back pain on my left side. I’m not sure how or when the pain started but I have suffered for several years and it has become worse over the last five to six years. The pain has interfered with normal daily activities such as anything that required bending at the waist, even slightly. The pain would be so bad that I would have to stop what I was doing and sit down and rest. This made me avoid any activity that would result in back pain. It had an adverse effect on every aspect of my life.

Before I came to Barone Spinal Care I did try another chiropractor. When I heard about Barone Spinal Care & the very interesting technique you use, I had to see for myself what this treatment was all about.

My experience has been excellent! I could not expect to be treated any better. I thought the exams were very thorough, not what I expected based on past treatments by a previous chiropractor. The correction was a medium pressure on the side of my upper neck. Immediately after the first treatment I felt lighter. After three to four weeks I noticed a reduction in pain and the effect continues over time.

– William B.

Dear Barone Spinal Care,

My son went to Barone Spinal Care in a lot of pain and left with a smile. After that he introduced me to Barone Spinal Care and it has really changed my outlook on life.

I’m 71 years old and pretty much had accepted all the aches and pains that come with age, (Even though I knew better!)

I’m so glad I didn’t have my lower back operated on. After the first treatment at your office, I have had no pain in my lower back what so ever. Speaking of the treatment, they are so gentle with no twisting or cracking of the bones.

I am now able to walk longer distances and not even realize it! I no longer have pressure headaches and vertigo. The rest of my aches are gradually going away.

On top of that, the staff are very friendly and professional. And with the quiet, gentle atmosphereyou’ll leave feeling rested and in a good frame of mind.

Trust me… if you try it you’ll love it! 

– Charleen K.

Dear Dr. Barone,

On June 16th, 2008 I started treatment with you for lower back pain, a dropped foot, neck pains and several other ailments. You were recommended by one of the trainers at Friendship Village, who also is a patient at Barone Spinal Care, and my husband heard you speak there as well. Before I started, when anyone would mention chiropractic care, I felt wary. Since then I have changed my mind!

After several treatments my lower back pains have disappeared, my foot has more feeling, I can walk without falling, the numbness in my fingers is gone and I have more energy!

I know I have more adjustments to come but knowing that gives me a better outlook on the future!

Yours truly, – Valerie D.

August 2009

Dear Dr. Barone,

After a fall I took, tests showed that I had fractured my vertebrae in my lower back. I had been suffering severe back pain since then. I had a personal friend, Rita Baur, recommend Barone Spinal Care to me. Rita told me how greatly she had improved and said it was a series of simple procedures. I have been coming to the Barone Spinal Care clinic for several months 2x a week.

I noticed I had trouble reaching down to put on my socks and shoes. Lately I have had less trouble in that area. I have been walking more round the area where I live, my stomach is feeling better and my appetite is much better.

The staff is very nice. The doctors are very helpful and the ladies at the front desk are always helpful. The Doctor always shows me my personal chart at each treatment and shows me the progress I am making. I took advantage of one of the great packages that Barone Spinal Care offers and I intend to follow the whole course through.

– Shirley S.

January 3, 2013

Dear Dr. Barone,

When I came to you for the first time in Jan 2012, I was suffering from an incredible lower back pain with stiff back muscles. I was having excruciating pain for over 2 weeks at that point and was not able to walk with a straight back. Ibuprofen had become part of my diet during those days. This was not the first time I had this kind of a pain. I have been living with this condition for over 15 yrs, which recurred every other year and sometimes twice a year. If I did not go to the doctor to get muscle relaxants (which I did a few times), the pain only became worse and a couple of times I landed up in the emergency room because I just could not walk.

When I came in to your office, I was looking for an alternate solution to going to the doctor for muscle relaxants and pain relievers. I came in very skeptical on a suggestion from a good friend of mine from Detroit. My skepticism seemed very logical because whoever heard of treating a neck bone to cure lower back pain! But I had no other option and was willing to try anything except go to a witch doctor!

After the x-rays and the analysis you and Dr. Jung did, you came up with the treatment plan on re-adjusting the Atlas bone since it was out of alignment. As I lay on the table waiting for your hands to touch my neck, I was still tremendously in pain and just lying down on my side was unbearable… I really wanted to get out of there and go home and lie down flat on my back. But less than a minute after you did the adjustment, somehow I felt different. I still remember my wife sitting in the chair next to me ready to jump up and hold me in case I fell down with severe back pain again. Miraculously, I was able to sit up and started taking baby steps very carefully… I did not want to jerk my back and experience the sting of the pain. Those baby steps became normal steps and I realized I was walking with a straight back! The pain was gone! I had not had pain killers that day and the pain had disappeared magically. In fact that was the last time I have had pain killers for a lower back pain in the whole of last year!

During my year of treatment with you, I have had small episodes of lower back pain because of my lifestyle where I keep stressing the muscles through exercise and playing games, etc. But every single time a visit to your office and your readjustment has taken away the pain and I have not had to take any painkillers. Apparently my Atlas keeps getting out of alignment frequently which you are able to re-adjust and help me recover quickly.

Because of my testimony two of my friends have had similar experience with their back pains.

Thank you for your treatment!


My name is Stan and I turned 50 this year in 2015. My health was not very good. I was overweight and had uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes. As a pharmacist I was very familiar with treating my ailments with drugs, but I was not getting any better. I suffered with lower back pain, knee pain and foot pain and I was always tired. I knew I needed to lose weight, but chronic pain and fatigue made it almost impossible to work out. One day after attempting to exercise at the gym, I met Dr. Landholm, who persuaded me to give Barone Spinal Care a try. After a comprehensive exam and x-rays, I was diagnosed as being out of alignment. The simple adjustment made a world of difference. I immediately felt better and became a changed person. I scheduled regular visits to check my alignment and make any necessary adjustments. A few months later, I am virtually pain free. My blood pressure is back to normal and I am no longer using insulin. Feeling better with a lot more energy has allowed me to exercise more regularly and drop 40 pounds. I thank Dr. Barone and Dr. Landholm and the entire team for my success and giving me hope that I may actually enjoy my next 50 years.



Dear Dr. Barone,

I have 37 years. In October of 2014 and start feel back pain, numbness in hands, legs and wrist pain. In the past I have tried different forms of chiropractic care but to no avail. I went to my doctor and I got the MRI. It was herniated disc that needs physical therapy or surgery in the future. Obviously I chose therapies, but no to avail. In May, my mother in law offered me Barone Spinal Care in Schaumburg, IL. I called for an appointment. My first visit was on May 2015, I got to learn more about NUCCA. All of the staff is very professional, knowledgeable, and have a sincere, heartfelt desire to make you feel better. I am now after 5 months of therapy and less numbness in hand, less numbness in legs, no wrist pain. I still have back pain, but I’m in the middle of treatment. Now further I will continue therapy to get rid of back pain.


Piotr W.

March 2, 2008

Dear Dr. Barone,

I am 75 years old and have been suffering from lower back pain on my left side. I’m not sure how or when the pain started but I have suffered for several years and it has become worse over the last five to six years. The pain has interfered with normal daily activities such as anything that required bending at the waist, even slightly. The pain would be so bad that I would have to stop what I was doing and sit down and rest. This made me avoid any activity that would result in back pain. It had an adverse effect on every aspect of my life.

Before I came to Barone Spinal Care I did try another chiropractor. When I heard about Barone Spinal Care & the very interesting technique you use, I had to see for myself what this treatment was all about.

My experience has been excellent! I could not expect to be treated any better. I thought the exams were very thorough, not what I expected based on past treatments by a previous chiropractor. The correction was a medium pressure on the side of my upper neck. Immediately after the first treatment I felt lighter. After three to four weeks I noticed a reduction in pain and the effect continues over time.

– William B.

February 18, 2016

To Dr. Barone and Supporting Staff,

I first met Dr. Landholm at the PGA superstore last year. I had lower back pain and occasional sciatica in my legs from time to time. After the first initial test, I was skeptical that my neck was causing a problem but I did remember at the time that when I was very young, I had been run over on a truck while I was on my bike. During my initial visit, I watched the video on the way that Dr. Barone and other treating physicians would be treating me. I was excited because it did not look like they were going to do any cracking of the joints or extreme manipulations. I went ahead and went on my way to continued adjustments to my atlas. I have noticed increased energy and better health altogether with the treatments. I especially like to have perfect posture as this will help me both for my balance when playing sports or practicing my martial art Aikido. The posture helps me maintain a more relaxed state which helps me with the techniques of Aikido as I need to be calm and relaxed to properly throw my opponents. After two months of treatment I have less back pain and in general more relaxed with more energy. I will continue my treatment program as I have seen a big improvement both mentally and physically. I would like to thank Dr. Barone, Dr. Landholm, Dr. Bulcher and the staff for helping me attain a better posture.

Thank you,

Justin L.

Since I was 22, I have suffered with low back pain. While in the military, I injured my back while taking inventory at the local commissary, lifting boxes from numerous positions. The next day I found that I could barely move out of bed.

As a young man, I was able to recover most of my mobility after a few weeks. However, several years later, this injury got dramatically worse, causing me to make major adjustments to maintain a normal life.

I have since visited numerous chiropractors and tried self-help methods. While all of these helped to some degree, I never felt any of these systems addressed the real issue. I felt they provided a band aid for my ailment that required much more.

I was in the Schaumburg PGA store last year, when I met Dr. Landholm. We chatted a few minutes, during which time she suggested I give Barone Spinal Care a shot. Frankly, I didn’t believe much would change from any of the other doctors that I had seen.

After more than 15 months of working with Dr. Landholm, they’ve been able to totally change my initial opinion. I’m a believer that their method does work.

1) I have less low back pain
2) The frequency is far less when I do have some pain than at any time since my initial injury, some 40 plus years ago.
3) My flexibility is much better than before I visited Barone Spinal Care.
4) I had issues with my right leg when seated in tight places, such as seats in the United Center. I now no longer have that issue.
5) My IT and hamstring are far more flexible since working with Barone Spinal Care.
6) Recent tests show that I have improved my circulation and posture.

Not only has my health improved, but I can’t say enough about how great the entire Barone staff has been during my visits. No matter which Barone customer service personnel I meet, they always greet me by name.

Al Bullock

I am a 52 yr old very active male that has been suffering from lower back pain for as long as I can remember. If I’m on my feet- especially just standing in one place- for over 30 min, my lower back tightens up. I exercise 5-6 days a week- jogging ~ 3 miles, stepper machine, weights and walking 18 holes on a golf course once per week during summer. The back pain is always there, and although it hasn’t prevented me from staying active, it was always in the back of my mind (no pun intended). I’m constantly trying to stretch out my back.

I visited another chiropractic facility that focuses on back pain. They prescribed an MRI which showed a slight bulging disc and promised they could improve my situation in 4-6 mos. After visiting 3x per week for 1.5 hrs per session- being put in a tight harness, hung from above and stretched horizontally on a table, I felt slight improvement- but not enough to continue.

I met Dr Landholm at the PGA Superstore on Golf Rd one Sat in May (while being treated at the aforementioned practice). She showed me how my muscle imbalance was probably a result of misalignment and was causing my pain. I told her that I would continue with my current treatment for a few more months. Since the improvement wasn’t occurring, a few months later I called Dr Landholm and made an appointment.
I had never heard of NUCCA but learned a lot in my first visit. It certainly didn’t seem that adjusting one vertebra would make that much difference on my lower back. I was impressed with the precision they used in taking x-rays and measuring my vertebrae. Dr Landholm and Dr Barone were confident their procedures would work. I was skeptical but willing to try.

After analyzing my x-rays Dr Barone did the first adjustment. I was shocked that it took five minutes and was painless. He asked me to walk across the floor and let me know if I noticed a difference. I did not expect one adjustment to make a difference and I wasn’t sure if it did. He said some feel a difference immediately and others take more time. I must say, later that day my lower back pain seemed to subside.

Over the last 10 mos the adjustments have been less frequent- in some cases I’ve gone 4-5 weeks without an adjustment. My back pain definitely has reduced, but it’s not completely eliminated. After a round of golf (walking) it is definitely much better than it was a year ago. And I don’t feel it nearly as much as I did when I started treatment. I’m hopeful that a few more months of keeping me aligned will help get me back to pain free.
The office staff is very professional, helpful and friendly. I’ve already referred a coworker and would recommend anyone with back issues to make an appointment.

– Rob Eschbach

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